Everything we do and say – learn FIJIAN language and culture today!

Learn the Fijian (Fee-jee-ahn) language – starting with the alphabet and pronunciation. Learn in the Bauan (Bow-en) dialect which is commonly spoken among native Fijians. We will take you on a virtual journey to learn how to speak, read, and explore the rich cultural heritage and native language of Fiji. 

The Fijian language with more than 7 dialects is still spoken by the natives or the iTaukei (ee-tau-kay-ee). The written Fijian form using the English alphabets emerged after Christian missionaries arrived on the island in the 1800s. The other two languages are Hindi and English are also listed as official languages in Fiji.

The instructor, Inosi Naga, was born and raised on the island of Kadavu (Kah-dah-voo) and later attended school in Suva (Soo-vah), the capital of Fiji (Fee-jee).  He is fluent in both the Kadavu (Kah-dah-voo) and Bauan (Bow-en) dialect. His knowledge of the Fijian (Fee-jee-ahn) culture, language, and people is deeply rooted in his rich family heritage and the village and cultural traditions.

Inosi’s interest in sharing the Fijian culture, language, and history stems from working on his research paper on Fijians and early education in pre-colonial and post-colonial times at the University of the South Pacific (USP). He is excited to share his expertise with you in exploring the Fijian (Fee-jee-ahn) language, both spoken and written.  Inosi Naga is a retired teacher and principal and also served as the administrator for education at the high school, vocational, industry, and trade school level.


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